Something will go here one day soon...Gaiety, merriment and dancing, etc.


Regular visitors here will have noticed the refurbishment is taking longer than expected.  This is mainly due to me getting very hooked on tracing my family history, which seems to have more skeletons than a medieval plague pit, and as many black sheep as a farm with several black sheep. 

Read about it here.



As of Autumn 2016 I am totally revamping this site.  I am trying to do it as inconspicuously as possible (like motorway contractors do their job...)  Expect having to use the hard shoulder, central reservation and to change lanes frequently.  Try not to knock over the millions of warning cones.  If all else fails, you’ll end up on the old error page.  There’ll be dust everywhere, and lots of typeface changes.  It’ll be a long job, and I’m also trying to learn how to use Net Objects Fusion 12, the design software at the same time.  My project management system is "Erratic Structured Randomness, v3.5b (Rev 4)”.  Think of navigating this site as being like Dungeons and Dragons, but with more scary bits.

I welcome comments, feedback, errors and suggestions.  Contact me.

Homepage - Puzzles Too - What we’ve been up to - Music - About Me & Al - Misc

Teddington - My Films - Pictures - Links - Puzzles - Credits etc. - Homepage

What we’ve been up to.  A record of our older adventures:

About Me & Al



Puzzles - My Number One activity, mechanical puzzles!!

Puzzles Too - More and more puzzle stuff

Music - My Other Great Love

Miscellaneous - The bits that don’t fit elsewhere

My Films - Links to my YouTube contributions

Links - There is life outside of this site

Credits etc. Software and services we use.


I started this web site in about 1998.  As of Autumn 2016 it is getting its biggest ever refurbishment. 

My goals are to include more current information, more pictures, no dead links, consistent format and typeface, better readability on more screens, and to get rid of characters that display badly.  But no free beer.

It is a bit untidy and experimental ...but just wait...

Text first, then pictures to be replaced.

Then the missing links.