Something will go here one day soon...Gaiety, merriment and dancing, etc.



12th June.

Well, Alice and I suddenly seem to have a bit of stability to our life together. I will shortly be starting a page recounting my experiences with South West Trains (SWT), my new employer.  I am really enjoying doing something worthwhile professionally, after years of making various shareholders better off.

This is just a quick update, as I genuinely intend writing more here, more often.  We spent last Tuesday afternoon at the Wetlands Centre in Barnes, SW London, looking at exotic wild birds from around the world, along with sand martins, which featured prominently in BBC2's Springwatch with Bill Oddie.

13th May

Two months since the last update.  Outrageous! A lot has happened.  Alice and I had a wonderful Easter holiday in Norfolk and Suffolk at Easter, and on our return I discovered that I had received a job offer from South West Trains.  I had been interviewed long before the holiday. I finally started work last week as a Crime & Disorder Data Analyst, based at Richmond Station.  Basically my job is to collate, analyse and process data relating to crime and antisocial behaviour on SW Trains.  Working five mornings a week, I will have the opportunity to do something socially rewarding, while continuing with my SafetyOnTheInternet business. Oh, we've still got the same government we had before the election.

 9th Mar

Due to many different reasons it's been quite a while since I last added anything here.  Hopefully things will change.  I've moved all the old Recent Events to a new page, see above.

A very brief summary of what you've missed now follows, in no particular order.  My business SafetyOnTheInternet, providing computer safety and productivity training, is progressing nicely.

Just before Christmas Alice's temporary promotion was confirmed as permanent.  The only real change at the Home Office is the departure of David Blunkett.  Alice is yet to share a lift with new boy Charles Clark.

We often go walking on Ashtead Common, near Chessington. On the opposite side of the road is part of the Crown Estate, Prince's Coverts.  It has restricted access, but you can apply to the estate for a key that allows you in.  We have just received ours, and will be visiting soon.

Local residents will be familiar with the problem of putting out the week's recycling in the black box that we've kept so clean, only to get a dirty one back.  I had the brilliant idea of providing weatherproof laminated ID cards, showing the house number, so the recycling crews know where to return each box.  The local paper ran a large article and photograph recently, and I am currently inundated with requests for these cards. They are available from me for 4 first or second class stamps, and a stamped self-addressed envelope. I also produce a range of other laminated signs at bargain prices.

We continue to frequent the Roebuck pub, the venue for excellent, regularly-changing real ales, and a warm welcome.


I started this web site in about 1998.  As of Autumn 2016 it is getting its biggest ever refurbishment. 

My goals are to include more current information, more pictures, no dead links, consistent format and typeface, better readability on more screens, and to get rid of characters that display badly.  But no free beer.

It is a bit untidy and experimental ...but just wait...

Text first, then pictures to be replaced.